The name in itself is very rare, like it is not something that you would hear or talk about in your normal daily conversations. Let me brief you up about dry needling and how does the process of dry needle treatment take place. It is like needle therapy and is mostly very popular in Singapore. People usually get this treatment done on them when they are facing some kind of muscular pain and want to relax.The dry needling approach has been used as a traditional approach in most western cultures. The main goal of this therapy is to reduce pain, help with muscle injuries,inactivate the triggers for muscle pain and also help restore some function in the body.
Things to know about dry needle therapy.
The process can hardly be called as a standalone therapy. It can link with physiotherapy as this is also a form of physical therapy. You might wonder that this process of a needle being inserted in you would hurt, but truth be told it does not because the needles are extremely thin and you don’t even feel the insertion. The only thing that can be felt is, your muscle might twitch a little and there is a slight chance that you might feel sore for sometime, but it does not happen with everyone.The soreness can be felt whenthe needleis gettinginserted in you and at that very moment your muscle twitches.
Things you should not do after coming back from the therapy.
- If you do feel soreness which is very common in case of injections, do not and I repeat do not use any cold treatments as we do for reducing soreness in any other case.
- Try not to work too much or lift heavy weighted objects.
- Try avoiding any alcohol consumption or drug or substance use.
The short form for dry needling therapy is called as DNT and based on the muscle injury that you have sustained there are different types of training sessions that you will require. Each session is targeted towards a certain muscle part. For example if the injury is at a sub acute place, then you will require at least three or four consecutive sessions , if certain injury is causing or leading towards chronic pain then the person will need at least five to six consecutive sessions.