A mother’s journey does not stop after she has given birth. It is actually just starting. After giving birth the ‘postpartum’ phase starts. This period lasts from six to eight weeks, but sometimes longer. It is also very important that you understand what a woman goes through after giving birth and what self-care tips you should do for your well-being.
All About Postpartum
After giving birth, a woman goes through a lot of changes both physically and emotionally. As a mother, you have to adjust to these changes by reading and learning what to expect and how to do it even before you give birth. Remember that you do not only have the job to take care of your newborn and partner but yourself most importantly.
Taking Care Of Yourself
It is very important that you know how to take care of yourself after you have given birth. The responsibilities of having a newborn in the family can take a toll on you. So the most important things that you need would be rest, good nutrition, and support.
- Parents will quickly learn that babies will have a very different schedule than adults. Most newborns wake up every three hours for a variety of reasons – feeding, diaper change, or simply wanting to be held. And having a newborn can take a toll on you, especially if it’s your first one. Even so, you have to squeeze in as much sleep and rest as you can. If your baby is asleep, take it as a chance to get a shut eye.
- Proper Nutrition. As a mother of a newborn, you need to eat healthily and make sure you get the right nutrition. Not only because your breastfeeding baby relies on what you eat and drink, but also because your body needs it too. If you want a boost in nutrition, you can try In Shape Mummy breastfeeding protein powder. This is also great to help you lose your pregnancy weight. Your body has gone through a lot of changes, from pregnancy to giving birth and it needs to recuperate.
- When talking about support, this does not only pertain to the husband. It is always best to get help from family and friends. Some even hire help to get things done at home for the first few weeks. If this is something that you think could help you during these times, then take this into consideration.
Being a new mother will be a great challenge in your life. You have been through a lot in the nine months of being pregnant, now you have to adjust to the new life of having a newborn baby. So make sure that you do not only take care of your baby’s needs but yours too.