What is Diabetes?
There are three types of diabetes, and they are mentioned in the article, and one should know about them to follow home diabetes care properly.
- Type 1 Diabetes – The body doesn’t make the insulin; it is a problem as the body needs insulin to take glucose from the food one eats and turn it into energy for the body. One requires insulin shots every day to live.
- Type 2 Diabetes – The body cannot make and use the insulin properly, and one suffering from this condition must take pills and insulin to control the problem. The particular diabetes type is the most common one.
- Gestational Diabetes – Some women get this kind of diabetes during pregnancy, but the problem goes away after delivery. These women and their children are at higher risk of suffering from diabetes later in the future.
Why should one take care of their diabetes?
One should take care of themselves and their diabetes which can help them feel good and healthy daily. When the blood sugar levels or glucose level increases or decreases, only one faces the problem of diabetes. One can keep them in control by adopting a healthy lifestyle, and they can experience it.
- One can feel more energetic.
- One can feel less thirsty and tired
- Less often, urine pass
- One can quickly get healed
If a person follows a good lifestyle and takes care of their diabetes, they have fewer chances of having health-related issues like
- Strokes and heart attacks
- Eye-related problems that lead to blindness and trouble seeing
- Gum and tooth-related problems
- Tingling, pain, and numbness in the feet and hands are also known as nerve damage.
Tips diabetic patients should follow
There are several tips that people suffering from diabetes should follow to have a better lifestyle; these tips can help one have a healthy future without any issues.
- One should stop consuming excessive sweets as sugar levels should be controlled in diabetes, or they can create more problems.
- One should get rid of smoking if they have diabetes, as the practice harms health and causes problems like amputations, heart diseases, and kidney problems.
- One should take different measures to control their cholesterol levels as higher levels can cause heart-related diseases and strokes.
- One should take proper care of their teeth and feet, as these are the potential body parts affected by diabetes. Regular check-ups should be done to avoid health issues.