The champion that you pick is essential for your introduction to League of Legends and can greatly affect how much fun or excitement this game provides 롤 대리 in the beginning.
- Garen (Top Lane) – Garen is an often suggested champion when it comes to playing with new players and that’s mostly because of how brain-dead his mechanics feel, especially in conjunction with just why the heck he has such a realibility-filled kit. With passive health regeneration, a straight forward Q ability for increased damage and an area of effect E that dashes him around its radius dealing damage; he also has the lowest click-intensive R in game with massive execute potential on low HP targets.
- Annie (Mid Lane): This mage has a simple kit based mostly around her Q ability, Disintegrate which refunds mana cost when it kills a target making the champion beginner-friendly as far resource-management goes.
- Ashe (ADC – Attack Damage Carry): Almost exclusively seen as an ADC, Ashe is a slow utility carry with simple mechanics. Through her basic attacks she slows down enemies, and this has the potential make it relatively simple to kite opponents. Volley can deal area damage, while her Enchanted Crystal Arrow makes Ashe the perfect choice for beginners on bot lanes as it enables long-range engages and disengages.
- Soraka (Support): Soraka is a great option for new support players thanks to basic healing mechanics and easy-to-understand gameplay. Her Q ability (Starcall) has poke damage and Her W( Astral Infusion ) can heal allies. Her ultimate, Wish, can literally save a teammate on the other side of the map which puts a lot emphasis on good positioning and timing.
- Malphite (Top Lane or Jungle) – Malphite is a simple tank with an easy time hitting home when it comes to crucial engages. His Q (Seismic Shards) lets you get in range of enemies easier while slowing them, and W (Thunderclap) gives damage from his bonus armor making him harder to kill. His ultimate (Unstoppable Force) is very versatile and impactful engage tool, so it also makes Malphite as one of the good tankier champions for beginners to play.
Picking the proper champions when you are just beginning in League of Legends can help improve learning and gameplay. 롤 대리 and as you get more experience, maybe try something a little bit less straightforward that fits your style.